Attention Owners of All Bricks-and-Mortar Businesses! Discover How to Supercharge
Your Business Without Wasting Your Precious Time And Money…

Are You Getting The Most Out Of The Online Revolution? 
If you don’t have a website – you’re missing out on a LOT of business. 
If you already have a website – is it a pretty online brochure – 
or does it work hard 24/7 sending you a steady stream of new business? 


Unfortunately, it’s a reality … small businesses across Australia are hurting. I expect you’ve probably heard the news bulletins. And read the grim predictions in the newspapers that tell you that unless you have a substantial online presence you are going to be left behind.

Now … don’t stop reading because you think this is just another one of those letters that wastes your time and doesn’t give you what you are looking for.

We'll tell you precisely how this affects you and your business right here. Once you’re done reading you’ll know exactly what you have to do to get the most out of the internet for your business to flourish in today’s fast changing market.

So what’s the go with all the doom and gloom?

Well … actually we’re afraid the grim reports are true. You see, unless your online business is as substantial as your offline business, the reality is you ARE going to miss out on a lot of customers. In a worst-case scenario you may even risk losing your business.

Business As We Used to Know It Has Changed Forever
– and it’s Never Coming Back!

The fact is, that unless your business offers your customers real online choices they are going to shop elsewhere. And you don’t want that … right?

Take a look at the following eye-opening statistics:

  • webmoneyWebMONEY reports that only 36% of Australian small and medium businesses have an online presence, while 96.2% of Australians who have Internet access search for products and services online [Social Media and E-Commerce Retail webinars for small businesses in Australia. April 1, 2011]
  • smartcompanySmartCompany reported that small businesses have been slow to take advantage of the rise in mobile web usage during the year, with just 5% developing a mobile-friendly site. One of the most compelling reasons for small businesses to get mobile friendly, is that 12% of consumers buying online do it using a mobile phone [SmartCompany 11 October 2011]


But it doesn’t stop there. 

Newspapers across the country paint a grim picture for the Australian business community …

We have seen dozens of these types of headlines. But rather than scare you with statistics, how about we show you the hidden keys to EASILY get the most out of this Online Revolution?

"From One Off Jobs to Continuous Income"

After meeting Andrew and Daryl, my business changed rapidly. Instead of finishing one consulting job and then chasing another to keep the income coming in, they showed me how to leverage my business online and provide services to many clients at once. This has been achieved through several websites that generate continuous leads and sales on autopilot. My income has more than trebled, and my working time halved. Andrew and Daryl showed me how to develop websites that work hard… so I don’t have to! Thanks guys.

Annette Welsford, CEO,

Increased leads, conversions and income

julie lewin“I had a website for my medical intuitive business. I didn’t really know what I was doing when I built it … and to be honest it was a bit ordinary. After learning from Andrew and Daryl … I trashed my existing website and built a new one, plus I changed my strategy for how I handled enquiries on my website. I went from receiving 5-10 enquiries a month to 5-10 enquiries per week … and went from converting those enquiries at less than 10% to 93% and I increased my revenue per sale 10 times.”

Julie Lewin,

Why Should You Listen to Us?

For over 20 years now we’ve been helping small businesses grow and make more money. For 15 of those years we worked as management consultants, helping thousands of businesses improve their bottom line.

You may think this is a strange thing to say … but we are self-confessed technophobes … and aren’t really interested in changing that confession. What we do understand though … is how to build successful offline and online businesses.  

When we "discovered" the internet just over 5 years ago, we applied our extensive business skills to it and our business and lifestyle changed forever … and yes, for the better. 

Do we know how to do the techie stuff? NO!

Do we want to know how to do it?  Well … we need to understand how it all works … but we don’t want to do the actual work!

So … with this strategy firmly in place … almost overnight, we had more income, more profits, and A LOT MORE TIME than we ever imagined possible when we were working 7 days a week in our consulting business! 

You see, if you do it right, internet marketing can hugely grow and automate your business. 

Since those early days of success, we’ve helped countless small business owners – people just like you – get online, and do so successfully.

These days business owners pay us tens of thousands of dollars to coach them and get their business online. Whoa!!! We hear you say!  But … don’t despair … we know that not all small business owners have that sort of cash lying around. 

And … the reality is we simply don't have the time to help everyone individually, either!

However … we are passionate about and committed to sharing with you what we’ve discovered on our amazingly successful online journey.  

So to help you get the most out of internet marketing, we've created this page – where we show you the 6 most common mistakes most Small and Medium Businesses Make when going online and what you can do to avoid them. 

But before we do that, let’s look at why you must stay competitive in today’s marketplace…

Why More Than Ever You Need to Be Competitive in Today’s Marketplace

  • Online trends affect the behaviours of your customers and clients 
  • With the rise of the Internet customers can access the web 24/7
  • The Internet has simplified the way we shop and unless you stay plugged into the trend you are going to be left behind

Getting online is not an option or choice – it's a must-do if you want to survive and thrive.

When you use the Internet for your bricks and mortar business you:

  • Generate a large number of ready-to-buy leads with “attraction” marketing
  • Get to build a list, build a relationship with them and make repeat sales
  • Build trust with your tribe (your list)
  • Increase your brand/business recognition
  • Attract your ideal customer and stop wasting time serving tyre kickers
  • Foster repeat purchases by building customer loyalty
  • Can automate some, most, or all aspects of your business depending what industry you’re involved in
  • Save money because it’s easier (and up to 8 times cheaper) to sell to a previous customer that sits in your database than looking for a new one

Get Online Now While Internet Marketing is Still Relatively New

If you act now you can take advantage of massive opportunities that can literally explode your business. 

Better still, with the help of the Internet you can systemise your business to such an extent that you get to enjoy more time with your family and friends. 

You see … when going online, it's easy to get a capable and expert team of outsourced freelancers to take care of the day-to-day running of your business.

And we'll show you how to access high quality, expert professionals for a fraction of the costs you would expect to pay. 

But first, let's look at the changed business dynamics and how they affect you and your bottom line…

How The Internet Works for Your Business…

From what you’ve heard or read so far it’s clear that the Internet is the place to be. You need a web presence if you want to capture your clients because that’s where they hang out.

People across all age groups go online to buy stuff. 

Online shopping is:

  • Convenient
  • Effortless
  • Fast
  • Often more cost effective.

You have a choice to be positioned in front of your customers when they use search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing, or on social media sites like LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter… or be invisible online.

If you look closely at the figures below you’ll see a clear indication of projected growth in online sales. Make no mistake, the explosion takes place right now – and it happens with or without you.

It’s your choice to get a piece of this action, or get left behind. 


But before we show you the RIGHT way to grow your online presence, let's dispel some of the many MYTHS we hear from business owners we work with…

Wrong! The Internet is far away from being saturated. As a marketing medium it is still in its virgin years so the best time to get online is now.

Only if you don't know what you're doing! Yes, getting a great business website can be a mine-field. Mistakes can be expensive. But if you know what you want in your online business, the job of getting a great website becomes much easier. You're about to learn the keys to success right here!

Do you want to wake up in 6 months time, realising that you should have acted on this information NOW, instead of contemplating the pros and cons of getting online?

To be brutally honest, you have no choice. If you want to stay in business in the long term, then you absolutely must get an online presence sooner rather than later.

Do yourself a favour and don’t end up paying the price of regret.

That depends. Yes there are expensive ways to drive traffic to your site, but they usually only cost you an arm and a leg because you haven’t mastered them.

A typical example is Google Adwords. Most SMEs spend themselves out of business with an Adwords campaign because they have no clue how to do it right.


Instead of spending some time, trying to master the art of spending less to earn more they throw chunks of money at Google in the hopes it will bring them riches.

On the opposite side of the chasm are savvy entrepreneurs who make a killing with Adwords. 

Which would you rather be?

The great thing about being online is that there are 101 opportunities (and then some…) to generate traffic to your website. Many of them cost you nothing, except time.

Types of Marketing You Should Be Doing:

  • Market to your existing list (incl. social media)
  • Bulk SMS messaging
  • Hard mail (stick letters, lumpy mail, postcards, etc.)
  • Telemarketing
  • Email
  • SEO – Adwords, Google Places
  • Paid traffic – banner ads, PPC, Facebook (make sure you know your maths)
  • Build and buy a list
  • Article submissions to directories
  • Free offline publicity – radio, TV, newspapers (provide your story in an attractive way). This alone could transform your business
  • Automated referral system 
  • Social media (YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus).

Remember, if you keep doing what you’ve done until today you can expect the same “mediocre” results in the future. For your business to change you need to change your perspective, along with your marketing activities.


Thanks to the myths, and a general feeling of overwhelm, most small business owners never get past the starting blocks when they first consider taking their business online.

So … don't you be one of those who misses out on this incredible opportunity, or leaves it so late it’s hard to be found and hard to compete.

Thankfully we’re about to show you how you can avoid the 6 key mistakes most small businesses make when they get online.

Once you’re done reading you'll be armed with the knowledge to confidently get your business online.

Ready for the major mistakes most businesses make when they get online? Here they are:

A well structured website integrates seamlessly with your offline business. This is something we often see: websites which are just not set up to support your offline business. 

For example:

  • If you make most of your sales on the phone, then your website needs to be structured so that the action visitors to your website take, is to call you. 
  • If you make most of your sales in store, then your website needs to have lots of reasons for them to come into the store (think competitions, appealing shots of the store, discount vouchers that they can print out and bring in, etc). 
  • If you want people to shop online, then have an easy-to-order catalogue on your site.

The other mistake we see is websites which just don't make you stand out from your competition. 

If you are a "me too" online, then you simply won't get noticed among the many billions (yes billions with a "b"!) of other pages out there. 

This often happens because business owners are not clear about what makes their offline business stand out. If you're not clear about this for your offline business, then it's certainly not going to appear in your website.

It's the websites that are OUTSTANDING – that shout "This is exactly why you should do business with me and not my competitors" that do the best.

So many small business websites are very average when it comes to the words on their site. Here are just three of the most common mistakes we see – which are costing businesses millions every year:

  • NO HEADLINE, or a headline that doesn't give any benefits to the customer.
    • How often do you see a website where the headline is simply the name of the business? Unless you're Coca Cola or Sony, most people searching online don't know, and don't really care about your business name. (Sorry, but that's just the harsh reality of it).
    • What they want to know is "can you solve my problem?", "Do you have the product or service I need?" and "Can you give me a better result than all the other businesses who are offering something similar?"
  • NO PROOF that you are an outstanding business.
    • Doing business online is a bit different to doing business on the phone or face to face. There's not the same level of interaction – so there's not the same level of trust. That means that you need to work a bit harder online to get visitors to trust you. 
    • Testimonials, endorsements, pictures of your products, happy customers or premises – these are all great ways to build the trust you need to have visitors to your website take action. Yet lots of websites have none of these things – and miss out on lots of business as a result.
  • NO CALL TO ACTION. What action do you want visitors to your website to take? 
    • Buy? 
    • Come into your store? 
    • Call you to place an order or to ask for a quote? 
    • Opt in to your list? 

Whatever it is, make it easy and obvious. Put the "call to action" above the fold (ie where visitors don't need to scroll down). And give them a great incentive to do so.

If your website copy is lame, boring and uninspiring you might as well flush your money down the toilet.

Your website copy must be educating, benefit driven and entertaining at the same time. If readers have to second-guess what you’re trying to make them do they leave – and they won’t come back.

Too often we see businesses which have the wrong domain name. Here are the typical problems we see:

  • Businesses with a domain name that's clever or quirky. One that only you as the business owner "gets". It's far more important when attracting new customers, to get a domain name that's descriptive – one that contains your most popular key words. That way people know immediately what your site is about (ie what problems you will solve for visitors). AND Google loves it too – they'll rank you higher in a Google search for those top keywords, so more people will see your site.
  • One that's hard to spell or can be spelled a few different ways (eg using "4" instead of "four" in the name). This is a real problem when any of your marketing is done offline via audio or video (eg on the phone, in face-to-face meetings, or on TV or radio). When you say your domain name, if it is confusing to write then a large portion of people will miss it.
  • Or worst of all, buying a .net, or .info when there is a .com by the same name owned by your competitor. Since .com domains tend to be the most common for business, most people will type that in first when looking for your site. If you have something other than the .com, they'll find (and possibly buy from!) your competitor instead.

Your domain name must be descriptive. Ideally they should contain the keyword of your product or service and a geographic location. 

You can use the Google Keyword Tool to find keywords for your niche.

Unless you are a well-recognized brand, avoid name-based domains. 

Remember: Nine out of ten people search for you by service, benefit or product.

On average you only have about 6 seconds to attract a new visitor's attention on your website. If you miss any of the keys to success listed below, you will be losing customers. That means that a high proportion of the time, effort and money you spend on attracting visitors to your website can be wasted.

Here are the keys to success with graphics, formatting and layout:

  • Avoid clutter
  • Don’t use black backgrounds with white text. It's proven to be harder to read, so people will skip it
  • Stay away from large banners/header graphics (if readers have to scroll down to read the first line of text you lose them)
  • Stick to a couple of fonts and sizes to avoid confusion
  • Break up large chunks of text into small paragraphs (easier to read)
  • Stay clear of using all capital letters (doing so is considered shouting online and turns people off)
  • Always add captions to any photo or image you use on your site

Unless you capture your visitors’ details you have no way ever to build a long-term relationship with them. 

The best way to build your list is by giving something away of value to your niche. In return you ask them for their name and email address. Think of a free report, a video, a whitepaper, eBook, an interview, a product sample, etc. 

However, never give away stuff unless it is perceived to be valuable by your list. If they wouldn’t pay for it, you cannot give it away.

Place the opt-in box in a dominant position on your page. Top right or anywhere above the fold usually works well. 

Make sure you follow up with your list periodically (the value of your list halves every three months that you fail to contact them).

 "Build it and they will come" – it just DOESN'T work online! For each of your keywords, you're often competing with millions of other pages. You need to be proactive at driving traffic to your website.

Marketing is key to online success. Think of it this way, if you want foot traffic through your business premises you need to advertise too, don’t you?

The same principles apply online.

But… avoid the common, deadly mistake most small and medium businesses make. Don’t stick to one marketing tactic only. The secret to online success lies in using a combination of marketing methods. 

We listed the "Types of Marketing You Should Be Doing" above – how many of them are you currently using?

A question we often get asked by clients is whether to abandon all offline marketing practices once they have a website.

The answer is absolutely not.

Savvy business owners use a combination of offline and online marketing tactics to generate a steady stream of traffic and sales in their business every week. 

And you should too.

So now you've seen the keys to success with getting your business online. Hopefully you understand what you should (and shouldn't!) be doing, to make your website really successful.

This knowledge alone gives you the edge above 90% of your competitors. 

But we generally find at this stage that most business owners can get a bit overwhelmed. 

"Where do I start?" is a common lament!

Well, here's how we can help you further. Based on our experience as consultants to business for 15 years, and being successful internet marketers ourselves, we know what it takes to supercharge any online business.  We’ve shown thousands of small business owners how to do it.  

And we want to help you too.

But….we're expensive to work with 1 on 1, so here's how you can benefit from our knowledge and help for a fraction of the cost.You see, we're on a crusade to help as many businesses as we can.  We know that waiting for the economy to pick up, or for the government to do something is a recipe for bankruptcy. 

We’ve developed a central online training resource, where we share with you everything you need to know about hard working websites and proven marketing systems.  

It’s our   “How To Take Your Business Online” Membership Program

When you join as a member you will you fast-track your learning so you’re armed with the information you need to make the right decisions.  

You can share access with your staff too and get them up to speed so they can help you get started.

1. Cutting Edge Training Modules

A series of training modules to help you super charge your business on the Internet. Right now there are 8 modules and we have many more in production. These will be added over the coming weeks and months.

Planning is the crucial first step, yet often we see it done incorrectly. In this module we look at your products/services, sales process and competitors and strategies. By the end of this module you will have developed your online strategy and designed the structure of your website so it supports your offline business.  

The most important component of your website is the words, followed by the structure and design. By the end of this module you will understand what makes great web-copy, how to structure your pages and site for maximum impact and key graphic design tips.

We show you how to avoid Mistake 5 by creating an automated system to capture website visitor details and start building a relationship. By the end of this module you will understand how to make sales using email marketing, and have designed a system to do it.

90% of internet users search for products and services in Google, and only visit the websites on page 1.  In fact, 45% of all clicks is to the first result listed!  By the end of this module you will understand what it takes to beat your competitors to the top of Google for your main keywords.

You can create an avalanche of traffic to your website using paid marketing techniques.  By the end of this module you will understand the main types of paid traffic and how they work, and have decided which ones you're going to use and who's going to manage them.

There’s a ton of ways to get free traffic to your site too, and we’re going to show you the best ones.  By the end of this module you will understand the main types of free traffic and how they work.

We are now in the age of Social Media.  People are connecting with others and doing business through recommendation on social media platforms at a rate which is astonishing. By the end of this module you’ll have a clear understanding of which social media sites you need to be focusing on and why.

People buy from people they like and trust.  By the end of this module you will understand the benefits of building a relationship with your list, and have decided on the best way to do that.

Concise, Step By Step Information And Help

We want to ensure that you are not overwhelmed and confused by all this online stuff, so we’ve structured the training in a step by step manner so you understand the important concepts first, before grappling with the latest new things.  

Our training modules consist of concise videos where we explain the key concepts and most important points, and are completely jargon free. Each module ends with a 3-minute action plan to make it easy for you to plan your implementation. 

You’ll be armed with the knowledge you need to ensure your website and online marketing is way ahead of your competition and aligned with your overall business objectives and goals.

2. Substantial Discounts 

We provide complete web design, website creation and a full range of online marketing services for our clients.  Our talented team has built over 1000 websites and know what it takes to create top performing sites.  We also have a powerful arsenal of marketing services to help you drive traffic to your site.

As a member of How to Take Your Business Online, you’ll receive substantial discounts of these services.

  • The “How To Take Your Business Online” Membership program is just $197 a month for 12 months. After the first 12 months you qualify for LIFETIME membership.
  • If (like many of our members have) you prefer to pay for your 12 month membership in one lump sum, we’ll reward you with a 15% discount.  You’ll only pay $1997 and automatically receive LIFETIME membership.
  • No fixed contract.  In the unlikely event that you are not 100% satisfied, you can unsubscribe at any time.

But Wait! It Gets Even Better!

We are offering you an amazing bonus FREE of charge for joining our “How To Take Your Business Online” program. 

Once you've joined the program, simply contact us to arrange the appointment. During your business check-up we look at the current health of all your critical marketing systems:

  • Your positioning in your niche.
  • Your existing marketing and how well it’s working.
  • How you stand out from your competition.
  • Your range of products and services.
  • Your delivery systems.

Now when you consider that we charge our clients in excess of $5K a day for our expert consulting services, you can see how valuable this bonus truly is. 

You get this absolutely FREE!  It’s our gift to you to demonstrate how serious we are about helping you to grow your business.

Over the last few years we have built several multi million dollar businesses using our proven online strategies.  So do you think you too can benefit from getting a FREE Business Health Assessment?

You bet.

Try out the “How To Take Your Business Online” training system risk-free for a full 30 days. If at any stage during the 30 days you are not 100% satisfied and feel our training system is not for you, simply email or call us for a complete refund of your first month’s payment.

AND you can keep your Free Health Assessment no matter what. It’s our way to say "sorry for having wasted your time.” 

Join now and get instant access to our membership program and the many member benefits. 

We look forward to helping you build your business using the latest online strategies!

andrew grant daryl grant

Andrew and Daryl Grant


P.S. So to recap: the program is just $197 a month, and comes with our no-questions-asked 30-day money back guarantee. But it doesn't stop there. As a thank you for making the commitment to your business, and to help you explode your business profits, you also get our bonus FREE Health Assessment (worth $497).

P.P.S. Try our program risk free! In the unlikely event you are not 100% convinced that the "How To Take Your Business Online" program is right for you in the next 30 days, then simply contact us for a no hassle refund.  In fact … you can cancel at anytime … but we guarantee you won’t want to!

P.P.P.S. You owe it to yourself, your family and your business to get online. Our online training system is perfect for the technophobe in you who worries about getting it all wrong. You get access 24/7 to our step-by-step training system to help you get online and do it right from the start. 
